The digital marketing professionals of this world have a unifying group known as the Society of Digital Agencies (SODA) whose work is to champion for, among other things, upholding the industry ‘s best practices, education and advertising. I received a copy of the results of a survey that SODA conducted that featured over 1000 digital marketing executives drawn from different agencies of the world. The captivating insights captured in the survey are the subject that I would like to share.
Digital marketing is by no doubt the most effective means of advertising that any big corporation relies on to maintain its market share dominance. You may want to remember that companies like the carmakers; Ford, which was reeling in lethargic sales indices once, spent 25% of the marketing budget on digital marketing. This was bold, coming from a depressed world economic state and now thanks to the social media, they are making significant sales less than a year later. The impact created t by this economic downturn forced marketers who work for leading manufacturers to rethink their strategies and come up with more cut throat tactics to stay ahead of the pack. All these were focused on digital marketing and the results are baffling, yet effective; a sign that digital marketing has come a long way and by the look of things, it’s just getting started.
The survey is contained in a wholesome 70 page script of facts that have been sampled from various regions of the Americas, Europe, and Russia that highlight among other main issues, the emerging trends, changing policies, social media (an example is China)and more.
Online marketing spending has risen from last year to this year’s forecast with almost two thirds of companies surveyed opting to spend more or the same amount that they spent last year. They plan to significantly increase their proprietary media. The budgets show that more spending this year will most definitely be on social networks, web based applications and the digital infrastructure in general.
The emerging trends in social media marketing are another key pointer this year. The focus will be on customer experience. Marketing skills will involve using emotional as well as persuasive methods of storytelling that will convince customers that they need these products. Location will be just as important, and the speed at which these strategies can be thought up, approved and implemented will be of great importance. This will eventually mark the beginning of a new breed of online marketing techniques that will above all things hit the last nail on the coffin of banner ads.
Paid media will rapidly and malevolently be replaced by brand content syndication; to put this into perspective, an estimated 40% of the spending will primarily be spent on mobile content.
Social media marketing is effective as it is lately because of its ability to remain increasingly mobile. Dimensions will be more significant than has ever been seen previously, while the